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People wait in the transit zone of Terminal F at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow July 12, 2013. Former intelligence agency contractor Edward Snowden asked to meet human rights groups at the airport on Friday to discuss what he called "threatening behaviour" by the United States to prevent him gaining asylum. The meeting would be the first of its kind since Snowden flew to Moscow from Hong Kong on June 23. He has been stranded in the transit area of Sheremetyevo airport ever since, unable to take up asylum offers from third countries. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin (RUSSIA - Tags: POLITICS TRANSPORT)
图像来源: Reuters


遭美国通缉的前情报机构雇员斯诺登继续同有关方面磋商在俄罗斯申请避难事宜。俄罗斯律师库切雷纳(Anatoli Kutscherena)周二(7月16日)对国际文传电讯社表示,斯诺登有可能在今明两天作出最后决定。库切雷纳称,上周五在莫斯科谢列梅杰沃机场的中转区会晤时,斯诺登表示,愿意在俄罗斯申请避难,并询问了俄罗斯的立法问题。斯诺登在莫斯科机场滞留已逾3星期。此前,美国政府宣布他的护照无效。俄罗斯总统普京新近表示可以给予斯诺登庇护,条件是,斯诺登不得继续泄漏有损于俄罗斯的伙伴—美国国家利益的情报。库切雷纳称,斯诺登上周五已表示,愿意接受这一条件。

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