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German interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich uses his cell-phone as he attends the weekly cabinet meeting at the chancellery in Berlin, Wednesday, July 4, 2012. The case horrified Germany, a nation where the Hitler era still casts a long shadow: a small band of neo-Nazis suspected of killing ethnic Turks and others in a seven-year terror spree, undetected by security forces until a botched bank robbery brought down the group last year. Now, Germany's domestic spy agency faces awkward questions about a possible cover-up after revelations that an official destroyed files related to the neo-Nazi group. The case prompted the government to announce this week that the agency's head for the past 12 years will take early retirement. Before he leaves, a parliamentary committee wants to question Heinz Fromm and the official responsible for the files on Thursday about whether the material was destroyed by mistake or deliberately. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)
图像来源: dapd



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