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A photo taken 03 March 2005 showing a wind turbine at the Horns Reef wind farm in Denmark, some 20 kms (12 miles) off the port of Esbjerg. Denmark, a world leader in wind energy production and consumption, has built the world's largest offshore wind park in the North Sea as it aims to generate 75 percent of its electricity needs with wind power by 2025. The blades of 80 giant wind turbines rotate high in the sky at the Horns Reef wind farm, the newest of Denmark's 11 offshore parks constructed since 1991. AFP PHOTO / SCANPIX Jorgen TRUE (Photo credit should read Jorgen True/AFP/Getty Images)
Offshore Windpark Windenergie图像来源: Jorgen True/AFP/Getty Images

本周六,德国的第一处北海商业风力发电园将正式投入使用。下萨克森州州长威尔(Stephan Weil)和该州经济部长将出席在北海城市博尔库姆(Borkum)举行的落成庆典活动。德国奥尔登堡市(Oldenburg)能源公司EWE组织修建的这一风电园区虽然已经完成建设,但由于配套输电设施尚未完工,所以预计在2014年2月之前无法正式供电。施工方必须首先清除战争残留的弹药后,才能够铺设长度为15公里的海底电缆。

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