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People march through downtown Turin, Italy, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 in the wake of a general strike. A strike by Italy's largest labor confederation against austerity measures that it says penalizes workers has shut down air, land and sea transport and curtailed other public services throughout the country. Workers for the state railway, city transit systems and ferry services all were on strike. Hospital workers, postal employees and bank tellers also were joining in. CGIL leader Susanna Camusso led a march through Rome on Tuesday. (Foto:Daniele Badolato, Lapresse/AP/dapd) ITALY OUT
图像来源: dapd


继希腊和西班牙之后,欧元区重债国之一的意大利周五(9月28日)也发生大规模罢工。公营服务业雇员今天一大早就从全国各地赶往罗马,参加在那里举行的中央示威集会,抗议蒙蒂总理政府计划出台新的巨额紧缩措施。公共管理部长格里菲(Filippo Patroni Griffi)呼吁罢工者重返谈判桌。根据蒙蒂总理提出的财政紧缩计划,至2014年,国家需节省开支260亿欧元。一揽子改革措施旨在建立起一个更为精干而有效的公共管理体系,为此在公共服务系统将裁减10%的雇员,其中,在负责人层面将裁减20%。

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