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Italy's newly re-elected president Giorgio Napolitano (C) waves at the end of his speech flanked by lower house President Laura Boldrini (L) and her upper house counterpart Pietro Grasso at the lower house of the parliament in Rome, April 22, 2013. Napolitano said on Monday he had agreed to his re-election as head of state because of an unprecedented political deadlock and threatened to resign if politicians failed to implement vital reforms. REUTERS/Tony Gentile (ITALY - Tags: POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters

今年4月意大利总统选举经历了数轮投票才得出87岁的纳波利塔诺(Giorgio Napolitano)连任总统的结果,而今,该国政府组阁的问题引人关注。根据路透社的报道,纳波利塔诺本周二(4月23日)已经分别会见了两院党团负责人。纳波利塔诺周一明确表示,他不会拖延组阁的时间。
目前来看,前总理朱利亚诺·阿马托(Giuliano Amato)是新总理候选人之一。另外的总理候选人中还包括佛罗伦萨市长伦齐(Matteo Renzi)。

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