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FILE - This June 8, 2004, file photo shows giant containment cylinders that will be used to move deadly chemical weapons from storage igloos to an incinerator inside the Umatilla Chemical Weapons Disposal Facility outside Hermiston, Ore. Nearly seventy years after the U.S. Government began storing chemical weapons at the site, workers started incinerating the final ton of mustard gas there Monday and Tuesday, destroying the last of the chemical weapons stockpile in the Northwest. (AP Photo/Jeff Barnard, file)
图像来源: AP


挪威政府拒绝在挪威境内销毁叙利亚化学武器。外交大臣布伦德(Börge Brende)周五(10月25日)在奥斯陆透露,相关决定已告知了美国政府并获得了华盛顿方面的“理解”。本周三,布伦德曾表示,挪威正就美国政府的相关请求作评估。联合国安理会新近同大马士革当局就全面销毁叙利亚化学库达成共识。联合国化武专家已进入叙利亚视察,并为销毁化武作准备。一般估计,叙利亚目前在分布全国的约45个地点储藏了化武,总量约为1000吨。运至境外销毁被视为一种选项。根据时间表,应在明年年中之前全面销毁。

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