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Czech president Milos Zeman (C) delivers a speech on August 7, 2013 in the Czech Parliament in Prague ahead of a confidence vote on the new technocrat government. Appointed by President Milos Zeman on July 10, 2013 the government of leftwing economist Jiri Rusnok replaced a centre-right coalition cabinet that was toppled by a bribery and spy scandal in June. AFP PHOTO / MICHAL CIZEK (Photo credit should read MICHAL CIZEK/AFP/Getty Images)Czech president Milos Zeman (C) delivers a speech on August 7, 2013 in the Czech Parliament in Prague ahead of a confidence vote on the new technocrat government. Appointed by President Milos Zeman on July 10, 2013 the government of leftwing economist Jiri Rusnok replaced a centre-right coalition cabinet that was toppled by a bribery and spy scandal in June. AFP PHOTO / MICHAL CIZEK (Photo credit should read MICHAL CIZEK/AFP/Getty Images)Czech president Milos Zeman (C) delivers a speech on August 7, 2013 in the Czech Parliament in Prague ahead of a confidence vote on the new technocrat government. Appointed by President Milos Zeman on July 10, 2013 the government of leftwing economist Jiri Rusnok replaced a centre-right coalition cabinet that was toppled by a bribery and spy scandal in June. AFP PHOTO / MICHAL CIZEK (Photo credit should read MICHAL CIZEK/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Michal Cizek/AFP/Getty Images


在经历了作为右翼保守派政府监控及腐败丑闻后果的长达数月的政坛乱局后,捷克将于本周五和周六举行提前大选。一般认为,随着此次提前大选结束,自1989年捷克斯洛伐克发生政治巨变以来,共产党人有可能在捷克首次得以间接执政。最新民意调查结果显示,捷克社民党(CSSD)将成为议会第一大党。该党在内政及经济政策领域同捷克和摩拉维亚共产党(KSCM)立场基本一致。有望成为下届总理的该党主席索博特卡(Bohuslav Sobotka)已表示,如果两党获得下届议会多数,社民党可以考虑组成得到共产党容忍的少数派政府。社民党籍的现任总统泽曼也持赞同态度。观察家们同时指出,不论此次大选结果如何,捷克都不可能产生稳定政府。

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