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Czech Republic?s President Vaclav Klaus is seen following a bilateral meeting with European Parliament President Hans-Gert Poettering in Brussels, Belgium, 19 February 2009. Klaus on 18 February termed the Chamber of Deputies? approval of the Lisbon Treaty ?a tragic mistake,? has urged the Senate to take a more responsible stance on the treaty. The president said last November he would sign the document only when it was ratified in Ireland, where the treaty was rejected in a referendum last June. The Czech Republic, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency, is the last EU country to vote on the treaty. Twenty-five other EU members have ratified the treaty. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/ dpa


捷克共和国总统克劳斯(Vaclav Klaus)要求允许欧元国家推出欧元区。这位新自由主义派政治家当地时间周二(5月22日)晚间在芝加哥介绍旨在使欧洲经济重新康复的一项八点计划、间接谈到高债务国希腊时表示,若干成员国已成为“欧洲货币联盟的牺牲品”。。他指出,政治家们应停止制定国家资助计划,停止试图在具体细节上引导经济。这位经济学教授出身的国家总统指出,国家支出应予减少。作为欧盟成员国的捷克迄今保持本国货币克朗,没有确定加入欧元区的期限。

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