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The National Party leader John Key addresses his supporters after winning in the general elections in New Zealand, 08 November 2008. New Zealand's conservative National Party swept into power on 08 November in a general election that saw an overwhelming vote for change after nine years of rule by Prime Minister Helen Clark's Labour-led coalition. Key, 47, is a former foreign currency dealer and the richest man in the House of Representatives. He will be joined in a centre-right coalition by the free market ACT party who gained three seats to add to the Nationals' additional 11 in a 7 per cent swing against Labour. EPA/XAVIER LA CANNA
图像来源: AP


新西兰总理约翰·基(John Key)今天(8月20日)通报说,该国将提前从阿富汗撤军。基总理强调,这一决定并非是对5名新西兰军人本月在阿富汗丧生作出的反应。其中3名新西兰士兵死于昨天的一次恐怖袭击。基总理表示,驻阿富汗部队将尽快撤离,目前仍驻扎在阿富汗的145名军人很有可能在2013年4月之前撤离。不过,基总理拒绝立即结束新西兰在阿富汗的军事存在。今年5月,该国外长迈克卡利曾表示,新西兰驻阿富汗部队将于2013年下半年撤出。

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