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REFILE - CLARIFYING CAPTION A protester, holding an umbrella painted with a parody of the Tokyo Electric Power Co logo, takes part in an anti-nuclear demonstration to demand a stop to the resumption of nuclear power operations in Tokyo July 1, 2012. Japan has approved the restart of the two reactors at the Kansai Electric Power Ohi nuclear plant, northwest of Tokyo on Sunday despite mass public opposition. Kansai Electric Power Co plans to restart the 1,180-megawatt No.3 unit at its Ohi plant, Japan's first nuclear reactor to come back online since the Fukushima crisis. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao (JAPAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
图像来源: Reuters


日本经济产业大臣枝野幸男(Yukio Edano)表示,退出核能不会负面影响国家经济。此前,政府任命的一个专家组提交一份报告认为,如果至2030年全面退核,日本经济增长率有可能减少1.2—7.6%。枝野幸男周二(8月7日)在东京表示,他认为,至2030年退出核电是可行的。他指出,退出核电不会使全球第三大经济体的日本受影响,相反,致力于扩大再生能源、改善能源效率,还可增加经济增长的机会。在去年发生因地震和海峡引发的福岛核电灾难后,日本政府着手制定新能源政策。至今年年底,野田佳彦首相将提交新的能源方案。

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