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A boat, center, is surrounded by Japan Cost Guard's patrol boats after some activists descended from the boat on Uotsuri Island, one of the islands of Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, in East China Sea Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012. Regional tensions flared on the emotional anniversary of Japan?s World War II surrender as activists from China and South Korea used Wednesday?s occasion to press rival territorial claims, prompting 14 arrests by Japanese authorities. The 14 people had traveled by boat from Hong Kong to the disputed islands controlled by Japan but also claimed by China and Taiwan. (Foto:Yomiuri Shimbun, Masataka Morita/AP/dapd) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT
图像来源: dapd


围绕岛屿主权争议,日本呼吁中国进行对话。日本首相安倍晋三周四(2月7日)在国会表示,新近发生的中方舰艇火控雷达瞄准日本海上自卫队舰只事件令人遗憾。他强调,对日本而言,重要的是不关闭对话窗口。在岛屿主权争议背景下,数星期以来,中国一再向东中国海派出舰只游弋,显示强硬立场。有争议岛屿距台湾约200公里,距日本冲绳岛约400公里,周围海域渔业资源丰富,并被认为还拥有大量油、气资源。日本防卫省本周通报说,上月31日,中方军舰在有争议岛屿(日方称“尖阁诸岛”,中方称“钓鱼岛”)附近海域用火控雷达瞄准日方船只,此前,日方一架直升机也受到火控雷达照射。日本防卫大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)警告说,根据联合国宪章,中方的行为可被视为一种“武力威胁”,极易导致双方都不愿意发生的军事冲突,为此,日中间应建立一种海上安全机制。

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