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South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, right, talks with police officer Yoon Jang-soo as Lee visits islands called Dokdo in Korea and Takeshima in Japan Friday, Aug. 10, 2012. Lee made a surprise visit Friday to islets at the center of a long-running territorial dispute with Japan, ignoring warnings from Tokyo that it would worsen the neighbors' already strained relations. (Foto:Korea Pool/AP/dapd) KOREA OUT
韩国总统访问与日争议岛屿图像来源: dapd


日本,韩国及中国之间对几个小岛屿的主权存有争议。日本指责中国和韩国破坏其国家主权。周五,东京议会通过决议,谴责韩国总统李明博对日本海一个小岛的访问。而几天后数名中国保钓人士登上中方称钓鱼岛,日方称尖阁群岛的行动也受到日本政府的谴责。日本首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)在一次新闻发布会上表示,“自月初以来,已经发生多次威胁我国主权事件”。他强调,韩国总统李明博对日本竹岛,被韩国称为独岛的访问是非法的。

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