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A burned EU flag hangs on the barriers protecting the Greek parliament in Athens on May 1, 2013. Greece's two main unions called a general strike against prolonged austerity on May 1, with protests by unions, students and workers. AFP PHOTO/ LOUISA GOULIAMAKI (Photo credit should read LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

据媒体报道,德国联邦银行预计今年德国大选之后不久,新一轮对希腊援助计划就会出台。《明镜周刊》(Der Spiegel)援引德国央行一份内部文件报道称,最晚在明年年初,欧洲就必须通过新的希腊财政援助计划。报道称,希腊经济形势糟糕,而雅典政府无力推行必需的改革措施,因此仍需欧洲援助。希腊经济已经连续六年衰退。但德国政府此前拒绝向希腊发放新贷款或减免债务。

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