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Policemen shows the way to cyclists near the Brandenburg Gate as they control the access around the Potsdamer Platz area on June 20, 2013 near the Ritz Carlton Hotel where US President stays during his visit in Berlin. Barack Obama will walk in John F. Kennedy's footsteps this week on his first visit to Berlin as US president, but encounter a more powerful and sceptical Germany in talks on trade and secret surveillance practices. AFP PHOTO / OLIVER LANG (Photo credit should read OLIVER LANG/AFP/Getty Images)Policemen shows the way to cyclists near the Brandenburg Gate as they control the access around the Potsdamer Platz area on June 20, 2013 near the Ritz Carlton Hotel where US President stays during his visit in Berlin. Barack Obama will walk in John F. Kennedy's footsteps this week on his first visit to Berlin as US president, but encounter a more powerful and sceptical Germany in talks on trade and secret surveillance practices. AFP PHOTO / OLIVER LANG (Photo credit should read OLIVER LANG/AFP/Getty Images)Policemen shows the way to cyclists near the Brandenburg Gate as they control the access around the Potsdamer Platz area on June 20, 2013 near the Ritz Carlton Hotel where US President stays during his visit in Berlin. Barack Obama will walk in John F. Kennedy's footsteps this week on his first visit to Berlin as US president, but encounter a more powerful and sceptical Germany in talks on trade and secret surveillance practices. AFP PHOTO / OLIVER LANG (Photo credit should read OLIVER LANG/AFP/Getty Images)
Obama in Berlin Sicherheitsmaßnahmen图像来源: Oliver Lang/AFP/Getty Images


现在柏林已经处于最高警备状态。除出动数千名警察外,便衣警察和总统的安保人员也已经整装待命。为了保证出行安全,奥巴马将乘坐顶级豪华轿车--凯迪拉克防弹车,该坐驾在华盛顿被戏称为"野兽"。奥巴马出行沿途,狙击手守在屋顶保护其安全。 周二晚,奥巴马偕家人乘坐"空军一号"抵达柏林机场时,柏林上空禁飞。




Das Brandenburger Tor spiegelt sich am 18.06.2013 auf dem Pariser Platz in Berlin in einer zentimerterdicken Panzerglasscheibe. US Präsident Obama spricht dort am 19.06.2013 während seines Besuchs. Foto: Franz-Peter Tschauner/dpa pixelDas Brandenburger Tor spiegelt sich am 18.06.2013 auf dem Pariser Platz in Berlin in einer zentimerterdicken Panzerglasscheibe. US Präsident Obama spricht dort am 19.06.2013 während seines Besuchs. Foto: Franz-Peter Tschauner/dpa pixel
勃兰登堡门具有重要的象征意义图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa




抗议人群:要自由,不要监控!图像来源: DW/B.Marx



不过也不乏批评的声音。本周一傍晚,约100名示威者在柏林集会抗议。示威者反对使用战斗无人机,要求美国释放向维基解密告密的美国士兵曼宁(Bradley Manning),同时也抗议美国情报部门的电话网络监听行为。

作者:Bettina Marx 编译:万方


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