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REFILE - CORRECTING DATE Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez kisses a crucifix as he speaks during a national broadcast at Miraflores Palace in Caracas December 8, 2012. Chavez said on Saturday he would undergo another cancer operation in the coming days after doctors in Cuba found a third recurrence of malignant cells in his pelvic area. The news is a big blow for his supporters in South America's biggest oil exporter, who elected him in October to a new six-year term in power. Chavez has twice said he was cured, and then had to return to Cuba for more surgery. In a televised broadcast flanked by ministers at the Miraflores presidential palace, Chavez said that if anything happened to him and a new vote had to be held, his supporters should vote for Vice President Nicolas Maduro - the first time the socialist leader has named a successor. REUTERS/Miraflores Palace/Handout (VENEZUELA - Tags: POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters


委内瑞拉总统查韦斯一年半以来第四次接受癌症手术。该国副总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)当地时间周二在加拉加斯表示,查韦斯总统日前在古巴的一所医院接受了6小时手术。他称,手术“很成功”。在古巴作体检数天后,上周六,现年58岁的查韦斯通报说,他新患癌症,并将再度前往古巴做手术。他同时表示,希望马杜罗未来能接任总统。查韦斯曾在古巴接受过切除骨盆恶性肿瘤手术。左翼政治家查韦斯从1999年来担任委内瑞拉这个石油资源丰富的拉丁美洲国家的总统。他以坚定反美著称,并同古巴和伊朗等在国际上孤立的国家结盟。

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