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Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez holds a copy of the newspapers as his daughters, Rosa Virginia (R) and Maria watch while recovering from cancer surgery in Havana in this photograph released by the Ministry of Information on February 15, 2013. Venezuela's government published the first pictures of cancer-stricken Chavez since his operation in Cuba more than two months ago, showing him smiling while lying in bed reading a newspaper, flanked by his two daughters. The 58-year-old socialist leader had not been seen in public since the Dec. 11 surgery, his fourth operation in less than 18 months. The government said the photos were taken in Havana on February 14, 2013. REUTERS/Ministry of Information/Handout (VENEZUELA - Tags: POLITICS PROFILE HEALTH) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
图像来源: Reuters


在古巴治疗癌症两个月后,委内瑞拉总统查韦斯出人意料地重返家乡。这位左翼政治家当地时间周一(2月18日)早晨在推特上表示,他已“重返祖国,回到了自己所挚爱的人民身旁”。他称,治疗将在委内瑞拉继续进行,并终将获胜。上周三,该国副总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)曾透露,查韦斯还需要继续接受复杂的治疗。马杜罗今天透露,查韦斯总统将在加拉加斯的一个军医院接受治疗。查韦斯是去年12月11日前往古巴接受他一年半之内的第四次癌症治疗的。外界迄今不知查韦斯总统患何种癌症,而当局全力保密的后果之一是,国际上曾一再出现关于查韦斯总统已死亡的猜测。

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