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epa03415732 A member of the election commission prepares voting booths at a polling station in the village of Sartichala, some 30 kilometers from Tbilisi, Georgia, 30 September 2012. Parliamentary election will be held in Georgia on 01 October 2012. The vote will usher in a major constitutional change, as the prime minister, rather than the president, will hold the most political power from the October 2013 presidential elections onwards. EPA/ZURAB KURTSIKIDZE +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: dapd


南高加索格鲁吉亚共和国今天(10月1日)举行下届议会选举。360万选民投票决定新议会150个议席的归属。这个黑海沿岸国家数天来因监狱酷刑丑闻受到震动。现总统萨卡什维利在投票时表示,选举结果将决定国家的未来。亿万富翁、反对派领导人伊万尼什维利(Bidsina Iwanischwili)试图打破萨卡什维利的权力垄断地位。朝野双方均强调,将遵循亲西方路线,致力于格鲁吉亚加入北约和欧盟。并均表现出取胜信心。非政府组织指控当局在投票前夕对反对派人士施压,并予以逮捕。观察家不排除在投票当天发生骚乱的可能性。

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