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Vatican spokeman Federico Lombardi answers to journalists questions as he gives a press conference at the Vatican on August 13, 2012. Pope Benedict XVI's former butler and another Vatican employee must stand trial for stealing and leaking confidential papers in a scandal that exposed feuds within the Church, a magistrate said Monday. Paolo Gabriele, who was arrested in May on suspicion of stealing secret documents from the pope's office and leaking them to journalists, is accused of "aggravated theft," a statement said. Also charged Claudio Sciarpelletti, an analyst and computer programmer in the Vatican state secretariat, whose name had not been disclosed before, with complicity. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/GettyImages)
图像来源: ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/GettyImages


梵蒂冈发言人隆巴迪(Federico Lombardi)在本周一(2月11日)表示,在今年复活节之前将选出新教皇。安莎新闻通讯社援引隆巴迪表示:“我们现在可以做出的预告是,复活节的时候我们应该会有一位新的教皇。”现任教皇本笃十六世宣布将在2月28日退位。旨在选举出新教皇的红衣主教秘密会议将在三月份召开。

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