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A member of the European parliament is watching his Ipad during a mini plenary session at the european parliament in Brussels, Belgium 11 November 2010. European Union member states and the European Parliament went head-to-head 11 November over the question of how much more money should be added to the bloc_s massive budget next year. The parliament and the EU_s executive, the European Commission, want the budget to be increased by 6 per cent over this year_s figure of some 123 billion euros (170 billion dollars). But member states argue that is unacceptable in the midst of national budget cuts. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


欧盟议会不同意欧盟委员会制定的2014至2020年中期财政预算计划修正稿。舒尔茨议长向欧盟本届轮值主席国爱尔兰外长吉尔摩(Eamon Gilmore)书面通知了议会的这一立场。周三(6月26日)在布鲁塞尔公开的这一信件中,舒尔茨指出,许多议员认为,议会提出的修改意见未能得到充分考虑,因此,可以预料,上周在议会和欧委会之间谈判的结果不会获得议会多数支持。吉尔摩同欧盟议会的首席谈判代表、法国保守派议员拉马苏尔(Alain Lamassoure)上周就中期财政预算计划修正稿达成共识。

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