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Members of the Left Coalition Party of Greece, SYRIZA, hold a banner reading ''End the Governments of Bankers, Austerity is the Problem not the Answer'' at the entrance of the Acropolis ancient site in Athens, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011. Power-sharing talks between Greece's two main political parties entered their second day Tuesday, as European leaders stepped up the pressure for a quick resolution by holding back a vital rescue loan that the country needs to prevent a devastating bankruptcy. (Foto:AP/dapd)
图像来源: dapd


距希腊提前大选3周,持极端立场的“左翼激进联盟党(Syriza)”民意高涨。民意调查研究所“公共事务(Public Issue)”所作的最新调查结果显示,这个拒绝财政紧缩路线的政党联盟有望在下月17日的提前选举中获得30%的选票,成为议会第一大党。调查同时显示,54%的选民认为,保守派政党—新民主党将成为议会第一大党。希腊新闻电视台周五(5月25日)在网上公布了这一调查结果。民意研究专家指出,这一结果显示出希腊选民目前的态度尚不明朗,许多选民还未作出决定。在本月6日举行的大选中,无一政党获绝对多数,随后进行的多次联合组阁摸底谈判亦均无果而终,从而必须重新选举。希腊目前由一个临时政府领导。