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(FILES) In this photo released on Wednesday 17 May 2006, by aid organisation Free Burma Rangers (FBR), Karen villagers flee attacks by the Burmese Army on their villages in Toungoo District, and are on their way to the border area with Thailand, at the Salween River, Wednesday 05 April 2006. There are an estimated 13,500 Karen villagers hiding from Burma Army patrols and the FBR say about 11,000 members of the mostly Christian Karen people in eastern Myanmar are fleeing in a current offensive. The United Nations envoy to Myanmar Ibrahim Gambari, the UN undersecretary general for political affairs, will be in Myanmar Thursday 18 May, to speak with leaders and assess the path towards democracy and national reconciliation. Foto: EPA/FREE BURMA RANGERS HANDOUT +++(c) dpa - Report+++
逃亡途中的缅甸克伦族难民图像来源: picture alliance/dpa

据泰国当局和联合国周六公布的消息,泰国北部一个难民营发生火灾,至少有32人丧生,数十人受伤。泰国政府一位发言人说,该难民营接纳的都是来自邻国缅甸的克伦少数民族成员。估计是炉灶引发火灾。超过300个竹棚屋被熊熊大火在。位于夜丰颂府(Mae Hong Son )以西约90公里远的难民营,居住着约3300名逃离克伦族反政府武装与缅甸军队之间战火的难民。

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