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[18184350] Anglo Irish Bank braucht weitere Milliarden Staff stand outside a branch of the Anglo Irish Bank in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 31 March 2010. The Irish government will inject another 8.3bn euros (£7.4bn, $9.9bn) into the nationalised Anglo Irish Bank, it has been announced. Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said pumping in more money was 'the least worst option'. Allied Irish Banks and Bank of Ireland will try to raise money from private investors. But Allied Irish Banks will probably require taxpayer support, the finance minister added. EPA/PAUL MCERLANE
Anglo Irish Bank in Belfast图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

爱尔兰银行高管傲慢的言辞可能导致严重后果。该国央行行长霍诺翰(Patrick Honohan)向《法兰克福汇报》表示,相关人士可能要面对从业禁令以及罚金。两位爱尔兰银行高管2008年的一次通话记录日前公开后掀起轩然大波。其中盎格鲁爱尔兰银行(Anglo Irish Bank)高管对即将用纳税人的钱拯救该银行加以调侃。该消息公布的当时,正在布鲁塞尔出席欧盟峰会的爱尔兰总理肯尼(Enda Kenny)批评相关银行高管"傲慢、放肆。"德国总理默克尔更是表态称,她"真的只会对此加以鄙视。"

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