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Designated top candidate of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) for the 2013 German general elections, Peer Steinbrueck delivers his speech during the extraordinary party meeting of the SPD in Hanover, December 9, 2012. More than 500 delegates are supposed to elect Peer Steinbrueck as the SPD's top candidate for Germany's 2013 general elections. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS)
Ausserordentlicher Bundesparteitag der SPD Peer Steinbrück图像来源: Reuters


德国社民党总理候选人施泰因布吕克(Peer Steinbrück)对政府的军火政策提出了严厉批评。他向《帕绍新报》表示,德国已经成为世界上第三大军火输出国,这既是丑闻、也十分危险。施泰因布吕克指出,德国也向一些不注重保护人权,并且局势紧张的地区出售军火。他表示,如果社民党和绿党能够赢得联邦议院选举,将改变这一政策。相关报道显示,这两个党派都对联邦政府向沙特阿拉伯大规模出售坦克的做法提出批评。总理默克尔几周前为这一做法辩护时表示,对外军售是维护和平的一种手段。