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In this picture dated Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013 and released by the French Army Communications Audiovisual office (ECPAD) a soldier directs two French Mirage 2000D after landing at Bamako airport, Mali. Mali’s military claimed Friday that it has held control of a key town where Islamic extremists had battled forces for a week, though aid groups said they were unable to reach the area to provide humanitarian assistance. (Foto: AP) / Eingestellt von wa
图像来源: AP


埃及总统穆尔西批评法国参与在马里的军事行动。据法国国际广播电台周二(1月22日)报道,穆尔西日前在沙特首都利雅得召开的阿拉伯经济峰会开幕讲话中表示,埃及在任何情况下都不接受外部对马里的军事干预。上周,阿拉伯卡塔尔酋长国率先对法国在马里实施军事行动提出了批评。据阿拉伯半岛电视台报道,有巨大影响力的卡塔尔逊尼派教士卡拉达维(Jussef al-Karadawi)在名为“沙里亚与生活”的专题节目中谴责法国军事干预是“冲动之举”。另据英国广播公司报道,英国首相卡梅伦考虑扩大英国对法国在马里军事使命的支持,其中包括增加运输能力和提供更多侦察手段。

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