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Pakistan's former president and head of the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) political party Pervez Musharraf (C) is escorted by security officials as he leaves an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad, April 20, 2013. Former Pakistani president Musharraf was taken before an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad on Saturday in connection with allegations that he ordered the illegal detention of judges while we has in power, his lawyer said. REUTERSTanveer Ahmed (PAKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)
Pakistan Ex-Präsident Pervez Musharraf图像来源: Reuters

巴基斯坦前总统穆沙拉夫被控参与阴谋暗杀前总理贝·布托。检察官阿里(Chaudhry Azhar Ali)周二表示,检察院将申请判处穆沙拉夫死刑。阿里称,下周二将在拉瓦尔品第的一家反恐法院正式提出起诉。穆沙拉夫的辩护律师称,将为他的当事人作无罪辩护。穆沙拉夫1999年通过政变上台,担任总理直至2008年被推翻,之后流亡伦敦和迪拜。今年3月,穆沙拉夫回到巴基斯坦,计划参加于5月举行的议会选举,但法庭禁止其参选。穆沙拉夫于4月被逮捕,此后因数宗司法调查一直被软禁。

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