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纽约发生渡轮事故 受伤者人数或高至50人

New York City firefighters remove an injured passenger of the Seastreak Wall Street ferry, in New York, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013. The Seastreak Wall Street ferry from Atlantic Highlands, N.J., banged into the mooring as it arrived at South Street in lower Manhattan during morning rush hour, injuring as many as 50 people, at least one critically, officials said. (Foto:Richard Drew/AP/dapd)
图像来源: dapd


德新社援引多家美国媒体消息,当地时间本周三上午(1月9日),纽约发生渡轮事故,受伤人数有可能达到50人。《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,至少有一人因头部严重受伤被送往医院。根据初步掌握的信息,其他受伤者均为轻伤。这艘从新泽西州出发的通勤渡轮在到达纽约曼哈顿岛东南部渡口时意外撞上码头。事故发生的原因至今不明。据悉事发时船上多至300人。