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epa03022902 (FILE) A file picture dated 17 November 2011 shows Myanmar President Thein Sein arriving at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center before the opening ceremony of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. According to media reports on 03 December 2011, Sein has signed a law allowing peaceful demonstrations as long as permission is sought five days in advance. The government has also pushed through a fairly liberal labor law, providing the right to unionize and has freed more than 300 political prisoners. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON *** Local Caption *** 00000403006037 +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
缅甸总统吴登盛图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


韩国总统府公布消息称, 缅甸总统吴登盛向韩国总统李明博承诺,缅甸将遵守联合国制裁朝鲜的相关决议,停止同平壤之间的军火贸易。两国领导人星期一在缅甸首都内比都举行了会谈。 吴登盛总统说,缅甸多年来从朝鲜购买常规武器,但是双方之间从没有开展核领域的合作。目前,韩国总统李明博正在对缅甸进行为期2天的访问,成为29年来访问缅甸的首位韩国总统。访问缅甸期间,李明博还在港口城市仰光会见了反对派领导人、诺贝尔和平奖得主昂山素季。