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epa03474497 Burmese police take photographs at a freshly painted graffiti wall reading Welcome Obama, in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma), 17 November 2012. Graffiti is illegal in Burma but the welcoming sign for US President Barack Obama who is scheduled to visit Myanmar on 19 November painted in the early morning of 17 November was allowed to stay. Obama will be the first US president to visit the former pariah state which is undergoing rapid developments in citzen's freedom and liberalization. EPA/BARBARA WALTON +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


美国总统奥巴马来访之际,缅甸政府释放了至少52名政治犯。据人权组织“援助政治犯协会(Assistance Association for Pritical Prisoners)”一名发言人表示,缅甸总统府周一(11月19日)公布了一份释放这名单,其中至少有52名政治犯。这样,自吴登盛总统2011年3月底就任以来,缅甸当局已释放800多名政治犯。“援助政治犯协会”指出,估计目前仍有约200名政治犯在押。

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