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A screen grab taken from the main page of Lavabit.com website on August 9, 2013 shows a letter posted by Lavabit LLC owner Ladar Levison. Lavabit, an encrypted email service believed to have been used by American fugitive Edward Snowden, shut down abruptly on Thursday amid a legal fight that appeared to involve U.S. government attempts to win access to customer information. "I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people, or walk away from nearly 10 years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit," Lavabit LLC owner Ladar Levison wrote in the letter. Levison said he has decided to "suspend operations" but was barred from discussing the events over the past six weeks that led to his decision. REUTERS/Lavabit.com (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS SOCIETY SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS
图像来源: Reuters


因不堪当局的压力,提供特别加密和私人邮件服务的电子信服务商Lavabit宣布关闭。据称,曝光美国大规模电子监控计划的美国情报机构前雇员斯诺登曾是Lavabit的用户。设址得克萨斯州的该公司的创办人利维森(Ladar Levinson)在公司网站上发表一份声明称,他面临抉择,要么“对美国人民犯罪”,要么停止经营,经慎重思考,他决定停止提供服务。他强调,他无法作更详细的解释。他称,过去6星期里,他曾同有关当局进行过艰难的较量。他称,根据他的经验,任何人都不应将私人信息提供给同美国有“实质关系”的企业。Lavabit关闭后数小时,设址马里兰州的类似服务商Silent Circle也宣布已销毁所有个人用户数据,以避免被迫提供给当局。