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An Iranian flag flutters in front of the reactor building of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, just outside the southern city of Bushehr, Iran, Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010. Iranian and Russian engineers began loading fuel Saturday into Iran's first nuclear power plant, which Moscow has promised to safeguard to prevent material at the site from being used in any potential weapons production. (ddp images/AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
Iranische Atomanlage mit Flagge图像来源: dapd


在关于伊朗核计划的新一轮谈判开始之际,美国要求伊朗进行认真的对话。美国总统奥巴马的一位顾问表示,仅仅一次会谈肯定不能解决所有的争议,然而德黑兰必须通过本次在伊斯坦布尔的对话证明自己有诚意进行严肃的谈判。除了伊朗核问题首席谈判代表贾利利(Said Dschalili)之外,联合国安理会五个常任理事国和德国的代表也将参与本次会谈。

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