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A closure sign is seen on a barricade at the World War Two Memorial in Washington October 1, 2013. Despite the U.S. government shutdown affecting the site, a barricade was removed to give veterans access to the memorial today. Up to one million federal workers were thrown temporarily out of work on Tuesday as the U.S. government partially shut down for the first time in 17 years in a standoff between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans over healthcare reforms. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
图像来源: Reuters

奥巴马及国会领导人在白宫举行峰会后,美国民主党和共和党仍未就财政预算之争表现出丝毫妥协。众议院共和党主席博纳(John Boehner)周三晚在华盛顿表示,总体来说没有取得任何进展。民主党代表称,奥巴马拒绝和共和党就他提出的医保计划进行谈判,但共和党则将此作为对财政预算进行谈判的前提条件。此次白宫会晤进行了一个小时。由于国会两大阵营的抵制,美国从本周二起处于财政紧急状态。大量联邦机构关闭,政府文职人员被迫休无薪假。如果不能达成一致,美国本月中将面临无钱支付债务的局面,这将对世界经济产生巨大的影响。

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