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A police officer (C) secures an area as civilians flee inside Westgate Shopping Centre in Nairobi September 21, 2013. Gunmen stormed the shopping mall in Nairobi on Saturday killing at least 20 people in what Kenya's government said could be a terrorist attack, and sending scores fleeing into shops, a cinema and onto the streets in search of safety. Sporadic gun shots could be heard hours after the assault started as soldiers surrounded the mall and police and soldiers combed the building, hunting down the attackers shop by shop. REUTERS/Siegfried Modola (KENYA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
图像来源: Reuters

肯尼亚首都内罗毕的一个购物中心发生恐怖袭击事件之后,警方已经将袭击者团团包围。肯尼亚安全部队一位代表周六对法新社记者说,恐怖分子被堵在一个楼层,而且包围圈在缩小。该建筑的其他区域看来已经安全。周六下午,持有冲锋枪和手榴弹的袭击分子攻击了主要由肯尼亚富人和外国人光顾的一家购物中心,至少30人在袭击事件中丧生,60人受伤,还有人被劫为人质。事件发生前,伊斯兰民兵青年运动组织(Schabab-Miliz )曾威胁将袭击该购物中心。联合国秘书长潘基文同肯尼亚总统肯雅塔通了电话对袭击事件表示关注。

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