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胡润百富榜: 中国十亿美金富豪增加

Chinese migrant workers pass a parked car with a bicycle in central Beijing, China, 30 March 2008. China's factory and property investment rose 23.4 per cent during the first two months of 2008, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. China's rapid economic growth has raised speculation of potential overheating. During 2007 China's economy grew at the fastest rate in 13 years, a staggering growth of 11.4 per cent. Foto: EPA/OLIVER WEIKEN +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Gegensätze in China Symbol图像来源: picture-alliance/ dpa

据9月11日发布的胡润百富榜,中国十亿美金的富豪今年达到315位,比去年增加64位。1000名上榜企业家平均财富高达64亿元人民币,其中四分之一的人经营房地产。59岁的“地产大王”万达集团董事长王健林以1350亿元人民币(约合220亿美元)财富首次成为中国首富,其资产在一年里增长114%。去年首富宗庆后今年财富1150亿元人民币,虽比去年增长了44%,但屈居第二。这是胡润百富榜有史以来第一次有2位企业家财富上千亿。据《胡润百富》创刊人胡润(Rupert Hoogewerf)称,1000名上榜富豪中许多人与中国高层关系密切,其中153人拥有人大代表或政协委员头衔。尽管中国富人资产激增,据中国官方数据,仍有1亿多中国人生活在极端贫困中。

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