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A British Army Chinook helicopter comes in to the landing zone at Nawzad, Afghanistan, to pick up troops from the Helman Task Force, having completed their mission, in this photo taken earlier this week and released Thursday 03 August 2006 by the Ministry of Defence. Since mid-May the UK-led Helmand Task Force has maintained a presence in Nawzad as part of a UN-authorised, NATO-led mission and as part of the US-led international coalition. EPA/Corporal Mike Fletcher UK AND IRELAND OUT -- CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/ dpa

英国国防大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)周日表示,他计划明年将数千名英国士兵从阿富汗撤回。哈蒙德在接受英国广播公司(BBC)采访,回答有关阿富汗撤军的问题时表示,明年从该国撤回的军人将有数千名,而不是数百名。但他补充说,他不认为英国将把驻阿部队的多数在明年撤出。到今年年底,英国计划从阿富汗撤回500名士兵,届时,还将有9000名英国士兵留驻。英国将在2014年年底之前撤出在阿富汗的所有战斗部队。

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