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Mongolen wählen neues Parlament epa03283920 A view of a giant 3D artwork of the elections outside the headquarters of the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, 27 June 2012 on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Mongolia. Mongolians on 28 June 2012 will vote to elect the next government of a country with some of the world's largest reserves of gold, iron ore, copper and coal, while one-third of the population lives under the official poverty line. Situated between Russia to the north and China to the south, Mongolia is home to 2.78 million people with nearly half the population living in the capital. EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNGMongolen wählen neues Parlament epa03283920 A view of a giant 3D artwork of the elections outside the headquarters of the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, 27 June 2012 on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Mongolia. Mongolians on 28 June 2012 will vote to elect the next government of a country with some of the world's largest reserves of gold, iron ore, copper and coal, while one-third of the population lives under the official poverty line. Situated between Russia to the north and China to the south, Mongolia is home to 2.78 million people with nearly half the population living in the capital. EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNGMongolen wählen neues Parlament epa03283920 A view of a giant 3D artwork of the elections outside the headquarters of the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, 27 June 2012 on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Mongolia. Mongolians on 28 June 2012 will vote to elect the next government of a country with some of the world's largest reserves of gold, iron ore, copper and coal, while one-third of the population lives under the official poverty line. Situated between Russia to the north and China to the south, Mongolia is home to 2.78 million people with nearly half the population living in the capital. EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
图像来源: picture alliance/dpa



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