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Workers open the ballots in a polling station in downtown Romein a polling station in Rome on February 25, 2013 at the end of the second day of the Italy's general elections. Italians fed up with austerity voted in the country's most important election in a generation, as Europe held its breath for signs of fresh instability in the eurozone's third economy. AFP PHOTO/ Filippo MONTEFORTE (Photo credit should read FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images


西班牙政府称意大利大选结果让人“极其忧虑”。西班牙外交大臣贾西亚—马加罗(Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo)周二(2月26日)在马德里的一次会议期间表示,选举结果导致意大利失去方向,对该国、对欧洲都不是好事。他指出,选举结果显示的不清不楚的多数关系将加剧金融市场不稳,导致某些债券的风险利息再度增加。同意大利一样,西班牙去年也因债台高筑、景气前景黯淡成为金融掮客的投机对象,导致债券市场上两国再融资成本大幅上升。只是在欧洲央行宣布将无限制购买高危机欧元国债券后,西、意两国国家债券风险利息才明显回落。但随着意大利此次大选结果公布,两国风险利息重新攀升。

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