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Armed Kenyan policemen take cover outside the Westgate mall in Nairobi on September 23, 2013. Kenyan troops were locked in a fierce firefight with Somali militants inside an upmarket Nairobi shopping mall on September 22 in a final push to end a siege that has left at least 69 dead and 200 wounded with an unknown number of hostages still being held. Somalia's Al Qaeda-inspired Shebab rebels said the carnage at the part Israeli-owned complex mall was in retaliation for Kenya's military intervention in Somalia, where African Union troops are battling the Islamists. AFP PHOTO / SIMON MAINA (Photo credit should read SIMON MAINA/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: SIMON MAINA/AFP/Getty Images


肯尼亚首都内罗毕“西门”购物中心恐怖袭击事件尚未完全结束。周二(9月24日),军事行动继续进行,通往该购物中心的所有街道均被封锁,特种部队逐层逐屋搜索相关建筑物,寻找恐怖分子和炸弹。肯尼亚内政部通报说,所有人质都已获救,至少又有3名恐怖分子被击毙。肯尼亚外长默罕默德(Amina Mohamed)在接受美国公共广播社(PBS)采访时称,恐怖分子中包括多名拥有美国籍和英国籍的索马里人和阿拉伯国家人士,其中的一名英国女性不是第一次参与恐怖袭击行为,表明了恐怖主义所具有的全球性。

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