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On the roof of the world in Tibet epa03018378 (01/25) Two people (bottom left) stand next to their tent as they camp at the base of the earth's highest peak, Mount Everest, in the Tibet Autonomous Region, the People's Republic of China, 13 October 2011. Tibet is a vast land of harsh, arid, brown plateaus and majestic mountain ranges. Living in the thin air of this high altitude desert are many nomads. Religion is an integral part of life for Tibetans, and most partake in religious pilgrimages of hundreds of kilometers to visit the region's monasteries and sacred sites. EPA/BARBARA WALTON PLEASE SEE ADVISORY (epa03018377) FOR FULL FEATURE TEXT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture alliance/dpa


众多藏人今天(2月22日)以祈祷和哀悼方式开始度"洛萨(Losar)"- 为期15天的藏历新年。人们尤其为过去一年中抗议中国对西藏政策的23名自焚者志哀。位于印度北部达兰萨拉的流亡藏人议会发表声明,呼吁国际社会要求中国当局采取克制态度,为结束西藏危机做出努力。目击者称,今天,西藏首府拉萨安全措施严密。据总部在美国的自由亚洲电台援引当地消息来源报道,在中国西南部的藏区,许多藏人拒绝参加当局组织的新年庆祝活动。

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