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epa02609062 Mourad Medelci, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Algeria, delivers his sppech during a session on the second day of the 16th Human Rights Council at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, on 01 March 2011. In total some 16 foreign ministers or other high level officials are expected to speak in Geneva at the council's regular session that opened on 28 February and is set to last until March 25. EPA/SALVATORE DI NOLFI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
阿尔及利亚外长迈德勒西图像来源: picture alliance/dpa


阿尔及利亚驻马里领事馆领事和六名工作人员在马里北部城市加奥(Gao )被劫持。阿尔及利亚外交部长穆拉德·迈德勒西(Mourad Medelci )周四对媒体说,阿尔及利亚驻马里领事等人被迄今不明身份的武装分子强行从领事馆带走,目前被带到何处尚不清楚。阿尔及利亚政府正在设法营救被劫持的领馆成员。据阿尔及利亚媒体报道,领事馆受到伊斯兰分子的袭击。马里的图阿雷格(Tuareg-)叛军发动政变后,武力控制了马里北部的大部分地区。

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