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The "Tribute in Light," a tribute to the victims of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks, light up the sky above lower Manhattan in this view from the Brooklyn borough of New York, Monday, March 11, 2002. Monday marked the six-month date of the terrorist attacks. The Brooklyn Bridge is seen in the foreground. (AP Photo/Daniel P. Derella)
AP Images Best of the Decade 9/11 Terroranschläge Gedenken图像来源: AP


据路透社报道,美国纽约大学周六发表声明称,中国盲人维权人士陈光诚将在该大学的法学院就读。法学院的美国-亚洲法律研究所所长科恩(Jerome Cohen)说:"我非常高兴得知陈光诚已经在飞往美国的路上。我很期待今夜在这里欢迎他和家人的到来,也很期待在他未来的求学生活中与他合作。"周六早些时候,中国当局允许陈光诚离开北京朝阳医院,登上前往美国的飞机。这一举动也标志围绕这一异议人士形成的中美外交僵局结束。

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