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An Iranian woman flashes the sign for victory as she holds a portrait of moderate presidential candidate Hassan Rowhani during celebrations after he won the Islamic Republic's presidential elections in downtown Tehran on June 15, 2013. Iranian Interior Minister Mohammad Mostafa Najjar said Rowhani won outright with 18.6 million votes, or 50.68 percent. AFP PHOTO/BEHROUZ MEHRI (Photo credit should read BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Behrouz Mehri/AFP/Getty Images

法新社报道,温和派候选人鲁哈尼赢得了伊朗总统大选。伊朗内政部本周六在德黑兰宣布了这个消息。据悉,在首轮选举中鲁哈尼得票数遥遥领先,获得了绝大多数选票。不过有专家表示,这位神职人员是否会是一位“改革派”,还要拭目以待。总共有6位候选人参加了总统选举,其中包括被认为是伊朗精神领袖哈梅内伊推出的候选人、现伊朗核谈判首席代表贾利利(Saeed Dschalili)。

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