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U.S. Senators John McCain, left, and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., right, hold a press conference in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013. The two senior U.S. senators have urged Egypt's military-backed government to release detained members of the Muslim Brotherhood before starting negotiations. Tuesday's comments came after McCain and Graham met with top military and civilian leaders in Cairo as part of a flurry of international efforts to resolve a standoff with supporters of the ousted president Mohammed Morsi. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
图像来源: picture-alliance/AP Photo


正在埃及访问的美国总统特使、共和党参议员麦凯恩(John McCain)对埃及局势深表忧虑。在前总统穆尔西被军方罢黜一个月后,麦凯恩及其共和党同事格雷厄姆(Linsdsey Graham)受奥巴马总统之托访问埃及,了解局势,斡旋缓解危机。两人昨天(8月6日)分别会晤了埃及军方领导人塞西和副总统巴拉迪。麦凯恩在接受哥伦比亚广播公司的采访时承认,他没想到埃及的情况“如此糟糕”,如果不找到政治解决办法,不出数天,该国将爆发全面内战。他表示,对立各方必须对话,寻求和解。在这两位美国重量级议员之前,欧盟共同外交与安全政策高级代表阿什顿以及联邦德国外长韦斯特韦勒曾分别访问埃及,进行斡旋。不过,《金字塔报》周三报道说,埃及过渡政府即将宣布,国际斡旋努力已经失败。

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