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Former German finance minister Peer Steinbrueck and Social Democrat (SPD) member is pictured during a news conference at the party headquarters in Berlin September 28, 2012. News on Friday that Peer Steinbrueck, a former finance minister with an acerbic wit, will lead the opposition Social Democrats (SPD) into the 2013 vote will have stirred unease in Chancellor Angela Merkel's entourage, observers say. REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS HEADSHOT)
图像来源: Reuters


多家媒体援引社民党的消息,德国社民党主席加布里尔(Gabriel)将在下周一党的联邦理事会特别会议上,推举前联邦财政部长施特因布吕克(Peer Steinbrück)为下届德国总理候选人。现任联邦议院社民党议会党团主席施泰因迈尔不参与竞争。德国总理默克尔对这一决定反应审慎。默克尔发言人塞伯特表示,总理对其竞选对手没有任何倾向性。绿党对社民党的决定表示欢迎。

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