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新闻;报道:谷歌受够审查,提示“敏感词”;台北快讯:就台湾朝野持续对立的状况,连线德国之声驻台北特约记者尼尔;接下来是 “德语媒体看中国”节目;最后是“听众园地”。

Egyptian anti-riot policemen and army soldiers stand alert outside the police academy courtroom as the country braces for a verdict in the trial of ousted president Hosni Mubarak in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, June 2, 2012. The 84-year-old Mubarak, the first Arab leader to be tried by his own people, faces charges of complicity in the killing of some 900 protesters during last year's uprising that forced him from power. If convicted, he could face the death penalty. (Foto:Amr Nabil/AP/dapd)
穆巴拉克案判决时图像来源: dapd
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