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A general view taken on May 29, 2013 during a debate on Syria in Geneva. The United States on Wednesday rejected claims from Russia that a resolution it was backing at the UN Human Rights Council condemning the Syrian regime's use of foreign fighters was undermining peace efforts. 'We don't see this as... undermining in any way,' US ambassador to the council Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe told reporters shortly before the UN's top rights body began debating the draft resolution in Geneva. AFP PHOTO / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

据美联社报道称,联合国人权专家表示,针对有关中国活动人士遭到威胁、逮捕或禁止参与抗议活动的报道,要求中国当局提供更多信息。一个联合国特别报告小组的发言人塞卡娅(Margaret Sekaggya)周三(10月16日)在日内瓦表示,中国政府的相关做法似乎针对那些试图参与联合国人权理事会对中国人权纪录进行审议的特定人群,该议程计划于下周进行。该小组在一份声明中表示,呼吁中国当局立即释放今年6月以来以和平抗议方式要求更多公民社会参与的民众。

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