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Iranian moderate presidential candidate, Hassan Rowhani (C) flashes the sign of victory as he leaves a polling station after voting on June 14, 2013 in Tehran during the first round of the presidential candidate. Iranians are voting to choose a new president in an election the reformists hope their sole candidate will win in the face of divided conservative ranks, four years after the disputed re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

伊朗问题专家扎维丹法尔(Meir Javedanfar)认为,伊朗大选中温和派候选人鲁哈尼(Hassan Ruhani)意外获胜后,以色列应缓和对伊朗的态度。接受德新社采访时他说:“以色列必须改变对伊朗的口气”。他建议以色列当局要“三思而后言”。这位在伊朗出生的以色列荷兹利亚跨学科中心(Interdisciplinary Center)讲师表示,否则“我们在今后看起来就像是挑动战争者。”


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