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epa03022902 (FILE) A file picture dated 17 November 2011 shows Myanmar President Thein Sein arriving at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center before the opening ceremony of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. According to media reports on 03 December 2011, Sein has signed a law allowing peaceful demonstrations as long as permission is sought five days in advance. The government has also pushed through a fairly liberal labor law, providing the right to unionize and has freed more than 300 political prisoners. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON *** Local Caption *** 00000403006037 +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


在缅甸上周末成功举行议会补选后,东南亚国家联盟今天(4月3日)呼吁西方国家取消对缅甸的制裁。印度尼西亚外长纳塔勒加瓦(Marty Natalegawa)表示,取消制裁将是一个强大的信号。缅甸外交部通报说,周二出席本年度东盟金边峰会的缅甸总统吴登盛向其他成员国领导人保证,此次选举是透明、自由和公正的。诺贝尔和平奖得主昂山素季为首的缅甸反对派在选举中明显获胜。吴登盛总统表示,此次选举“非常成功”。据缅甸官方昨天证实,昂山素季所在的全国民主联盟在上周日举行的议会补选中获得总共45席中的40席。吴登盛总统之前,还没有一名缅甸政府的代表就选举结果表过态。

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