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An Iranian soldier stands in front of a poster of a boot trampling the Israeli flag as Iranians rally in Teheran, Iran, during nationwide state-organised demonstrations to mark 'Quds Day' (Jerusalem Day) on 05 October 2007. The late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, had declared the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan to be 'Quds Day', intended to be a day to call for the liberation of Jerusalem from Israeli occupation. After Mecca in Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, or Quds in Arabic, is the holiest place for Muslims. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH +++(c) dpa - Report+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


在以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在联合国大会上发表措词严厉讲话后,伊朗当局表示,一旦受到进攻,伊朗就将进行报复。据英国广播公司周五(9月28日)报道,伊朗驻联合国副大使哈比卜(Eschagh al-Habib)指出,伊朗足够强大,可以自卫,伊朗保留全力回击任何侵略的权利。哈比卜抨击内塔尼亚胡对伊朗进行“无端指控”。内塔尼亚胡日前在联大一般性辩论大会上发言时警告说,德黑兰最晚至2013年夏季将生产出用于制造核弹的足够数量浓缩铀。他呼吁国际社会对伊朗核计划划下一条不得超越的“红线”。他称,“红线不导致战争,而是阻止战争”。

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