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(FILES) -- Sudanese repair crew work at the Heglig oil facility, after Sudan started pumping oil again from the war-damaged oil field on May 2, 2012, 12 days after occupying South Sudanese troops left the area. Somewhere within the twisted metal of Sudan's damaged Heglig petroleum complex may lie the evidence to prove who caused the destruction during the 10-day occupation of the region by South Sudanese troops last month. AFP PHOTO / STR (Photo credit should read -/AFP/GettyImages)
图像来源: AFP/GettyImages


苏丹和南苏丹之间紧张局势重新激化。南苏丹新闻部长本亚明(Barnaba Mariel Benjamin)周一(6月10日)在英国广播公司BBC上表示,苏丹军队已推进至南苏丹境内10公里处。他称,喀土穆不尊重所签订的协议,违反所有与南苏丹达成的共识。苏丹部队目前显然已进入两国经艰难谈判同意设置的非军事缓冲区。上周末,喀土穆当局切断了经由苏丹境内的南苏丹原油运输管线。苏丹总统巴希尔指控南苏丹,支持反喀土穆政府的叛乱组织。在非盟的斡旋下,南北苏丹今年3月份刚达成一致,恢复中断了一年的石油生产。南苏丹虽拥有大多数油田,但没有自己的出海口,输油需经由苏丹。

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