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epa03398423 A handout photo made available by Syria's Arab News Agency SANA shows Syrian President Bashar Assad (C-R) meeting with the U.N.-Arab League envoy, Lakhdar Brahimi (C-L), in Damascus, Syria on 15 September 2012 for talks that focused on the 18-month-old crisis in the country. Brahimi_s meeting with Assad is the first since he has replaced the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Brahimi, who is on a three-day visit to Syria, held a series of meetings in Damascus with Syrian officials and opposition leaders in order to shape a clear perspective for his future initiative to end the crisis. EPA/SANA / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


据叙利亚电视台报道,联合国和阿盟叙利亚问题特使卜拉希米(Kakhdar Brahimi)周六(9月15日)在大马士革会晤了阿萨德总统。两人会晤期间,在大马士革市郊传出爆炸声。据联合国一名发言人昨天透露,卜拉希米还计划会晤多个阿拉伯国家驻叙大使、一个欧盟代表团及反对派人士。曾担任阿尔及利亚外长多年的卜拉希米本月1日正式接替前联合国秘书长安南担任叙利亚问题特使。这位被认为富于解决国际冲突经验的老资格外交家本周四抵达叙利亚,对该国进行他作为特使的首次访问,并已分别会晤叙利亚外长和一个得到当局容忍的反对派组织—叙利亚全国变革与民主协调委员会的代表。据该组织通报,卜拉希米在会晤中宣布,将修订安南迄今没有成果的六点和平计划。

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